<%@page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*"%> <%@ include file="../../../Connections/cicero.jsp" %> <% String lastch__MMColParam = "1"; if (request.getParameter("MM_EmptyValue") !=null) {lastch__MMColParam = (String)request.getParameter("MM_EmptyValue");} %> <% Driver Driverlastch = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_cicero_DRIVER).newInstance(); Connection Connlastch = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_cicero_STRING,MM_cicero_USERNAME,MM_cicero_PASSWORD); PreparedStatement Statementlastch = Connlastch.prepareStatement("SELECT datum, link, titel FROM dbo.ro_lastchanges WHERE span = " + lastch__MMColParam + " ORDER BY datum DESC"); ResultSet lastch = Statementlastch.executeQuery(); boolean lastch_isEmpty = !lastch.next(); boolean lastch_hasData = !lastch_isEmpty; Object lastch_data; int lastch_numRows = 0; %> <% int Repeat1__numRows = 10; int Repeat1__index = 0; lastch_numRows += Repeat1__numRows; %> <%! public String DoDateTime(java.lang.Object aObject,int nNamedFormat,java.util.Locale aLocale) throws Exception{ if ((aObject != null) && (aObject instanceof java.util.Date)){ if (aLocale!=null){ java.text.DateFormat df = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(nNamedFormat,aLocale); return df.format(aObject); } else{ java.text.DateFormat df = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(nNamedFormat); return df.format(aObject); } } return ""; } %> Índice


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<% while ((lastch_hasData)&&(Repeat1__numRows-- != 0)) { %> <% Repeat1__index++; lastch_hasData = lastch.next(); } %>
<%= DoDateTime((((lastch_data = lastch.getObject("datum"))==null || lastch.wasNull())?"":lastch_data), java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM, java.util.Locale.GERMAN) %> "><%=(((lastch_data = lastch.getObject("titel"))==null || lastch.wasNull())?"":lastch_data)%>
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Last changes: 2002-06-12 /fas
© reformed online 2001
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<% lastch.close(); Connlastch.close(); %>